10 Foods that are Dangerous to feed your Dog

Know before you treat! These common human foods are unsafe for your dog to consume and should be avoided at all times. As a general rule, it is safest not to feed your dog any human food. 

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is probably the most well-known food that is toxic to dogs. The severity of symptoms and level of toxicity depends on how much chocolate and what kind of chocolate your dog eats. Chocolate is toxic for dogs because it contains both theobromine and caffeine, and the darker the chocolate is, the more dangerous it can be. Consumption of chocolate can raise the heart rate and cause vomiting, hyperactivity or even seizures.

2. Xylitol

Xylitol is a sweetener that is toxic to dogs and used in a wide range of products and foods such as peanut butter, toothpaste, chewing gum, and candy. Consumption of even a small amount of xylitol can cause a dangerous drop in your dog’s blood sugar levels and can also lead to liver failure. If your dog has consumed anything that contains xylitol, you should contact your vet immediately. Always check your peanut butter for Xylitol.

3. Grapes and Raisins

While grapes and raisins might not actually be toxic for all dogs, they have been found to cause kidney failure, so they just aren’t worth the risk. Ingestion can cause vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration. If your dog has consumed grapes and is exhibiting any of these symptoms, you should take them immediately to the vet. 

4. Avocado

Avocado is toxic for dogs because it contains persin. In fact, not only does the fruit contain persin, but the skin, as well as the leaves and bark of avocado trees. If eaten, persin can cause mild stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

5. Bones

It’s important to be mindful when feeding your dog meat, chicken, or fish, to make sure that there are no bones. The bones can break and splinter, and become lodged in the throat. They can also cause damage to the digestive system. 

6. Onions and Garlic (Alliums)

Any member of the allium family, which contains leeks, garlic, chives, onions, shallots and many other common ingredients, is toxic to dogs. Garlic is believed to be more potently toxic than onions. Symptoms of poisoning may include breathing problems as well as weakness and lethargy. Garlic and onion are also popular in dried or dehydrated form for seasoning and those forms are also toxic. 

7. Caffeine (Coffee, Tea, and Other Beverages)

Caffeine is found in a wide range of popular beverages, as well as in some pain medications, and it is toxic to dogs. If your dog consumes some of your caffeinated beverage they can experience caffeine poisoning, which can cause rapid breathing and muscle spasms, or even seizures and death. 

8. Alcohol

Alcohol can be toxic for dogs, as well as intoxicating. Even consuming a small amount of alcohol can lead to vomiting, difficulty breathing/excessive panting, seizures, comas, or even death. If your dog consumes alcohol and shows signs of intoxication, it should be monitored by a vet. 

9. Raw, Yeasted Dough

Uncooked yeasted dough can be toxic for your dog if eaten because the yeast in the dough will cause it to rise in your dog’s stomach. This can cause pain and swelling and can lead to difficulty breathing or even tissue damage. 

10. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are a popular snack, as well as a common ingredient in candy and baked goods, but can be fatal to dogs if eaten. The toxicity level of macadamia nuts will depend on the size of the dog. Given these nuts are often used in combination with chocolate, it makes them especially dangerous and potentially deadly. Warning signs to watch for if your dog has consumed something that contains macadamia nuts are muscle tremors, weakness, increased heart rate and vomiting. 

Thank you for reading, we hope that this can bring some value and knowledge into your life with a dog. We are Okanagan’s most trusted dog poop scooping service and we are more than just a business - we really do care about the health and safety of your dogs! That’s why we started this company, to help dog owners maintain a yard that is free from poop bacteria build-up and safe for the entire family. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook for more tips and treats as a dog owner.


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